Doctors conference in Berlin and the suppression of free speech about a virus and truth

Dr Heiko Schoning after his arrest at Speakers Corner, gives invitation to the next Berlin event on 10/10. The police confiscated his phone, computer and the book ‘COVID 19 A False Alarm’

This conference happened on August 28 and they talk about the CV19 scam and the totalitarian global control it has created. Robert Kennedy Jnr was a guest and he also spoke at the Berlin Rally on Saturday 29 August which had a mass gathering of thousands. Before the gatherings new rules were given.

Dr. Heiko Schöning, one of the founders of Doctors for the Truth which is an association of thousands of medical doctors around the world, said that the measures of the governments regarding COVID-19 are absolutely inappropriate.

“I would also like to introduce myself. My name is Heiko SCHÖNING, I’m an ordinary doctor from Hamburg. My personal motivation is that I am a father, like many others in this country who have children. And we see that our children are suffering now, not just because the playgrounds have been closed, but because they are separated. And it’s worse for the adults.

And then he is arrested for Speaking the Truth

Similar tactics were used in London by the police to handle a large demonstration against the government’s response to COVID19, although in Berlin there were massive arrests see In London we hear that private security men were co-opted for the event on Saturday 26 September at Trafalgar Square.

Friends of Dave Witcher had been offered extra work by their security firm

So it is becoming more and more obvious to those who don’t believe the false narrative, that crisis actors are being used to portray events very differently to the reality and facts of what is going on.

Here is a good summary of the plan for world dominance Ultimate Proof: Covid-19 was planned to usher in the New World Order

UN Climate Action

In September 24, 2020 the UN have moved forward from the Paris Agreement (COP 21) in Paris in December 2015 with their plan. In fact it’s their plan to control the world for the benefit of the elite and their minions. The progression from the Rio de Janeiro UN Summit of 1992 together with the technocrats and restructuring of local governments around the world, will change things dramatically in an undemocratic way. It has the backing of NGO’s and Extinction Rebellion is the grassroots movement with their Citizens Assemblies liasing with Government, and is the visible protests for this change. Independent climate scientists however do not agree with the IPCC conclusion regarding climate change. Here is the European information on the Paris Accord

Cities play a large part of the plan which are being turned into Smart cities governed by Mayors. This comes under the auspices of and Sustainable Development Goals.

This researcher explains how 2020 is a deadline for the UN Climate Action plan and why a trojan was introduced this year … Carbon neutrality by 2050

Here is the website for C40 cities

Weather attack on some Ionian islands in September

After returning to our favourite Greek island we were expecting three days of rain from the forecast. What we got was a cyclone for two days, which was worse on Friday in Kefalonia and we remained in the hotel. I was told that we were in the eye of the storm about 3-4am and a fellow guest was awake and felt the stillness!

We learned this morning after having the sun again for the last four days that every Ionian island except for Corfu, had been hit. The Rothschilds live on Corfu and own casinos there, so they were safe from any devastation!! Well that’s a surprise! Considering that directed energy weapons have been employed for many years, it would not surprise me that some such technology was at work by those with an agenda.

The hotel staff did their best under the circumstances and thank goodness it was only for just over a day and half that we had to stay in as the rain and wind was relentless. However power was off and not fully back on for a few days, some places were worse than others. One road collapsed near Assos and the road to Fiskardo was closed. Many boats were lost to the sea. Some beaches will take a few years to recover and Greeks are not allowed to do anything to the beaches, I heard. I feel sorry for those who have lost their business at this time. Many trees have come down and many small swallows have died and we witnessed them so weak they could hardly move. Certainly Greece and her people have had many difficulties over recent years. We were told by someone originally from Lesbos that it was the NGO’s who burned the camp there, as they had constructed a new one and the situation is not as grim for the ‘refugees’ as we hear and that they are well supported by the Government, but it is financially more difficult for the Greek people.

Censorship and truth in 2020

This is the year for the great awakening and because of lockdown and the COVID situation, which has brought in massive draconian measures worldwide, more and more people are realising that there is more to what is going on than meets the eye. Here Prof. Dolores Cahill speaks on these subjects with Brian Rose from London Real who has had very popular videos taken down by YouTube and has created his own media platform by subscription. I believe the information is very important to be shared with as many people as possible and therefore I like to present it where I can. I don’t make any money from it and feel that truth telling is a team effort for the forces of Light to spread the word, as the forces of darkness have controlled the narrative for far too long and still dominate the media.


Thank goodness that we are able to communicate via the internet and come together and share ideas. I love what Dolores has to say and for her activism, particularly for her scientific profession. For the full video please go to

On Saturday 29th August there was a massive gathering in Trafalgar Square against the COVID measures and they had professionals from the medical world speaking to the crowd. Piers Corbyn was one of the organisers and has been very vocal at Hyde Park Corner and elsewhere with his megaphone and has been arrested quite a few times for it. He was invited on to ITV Good Morning for an interview after his latest arrest at Trafalgar Sq and he was attacked for his views by Piers Morgan, Susanna Reid and Dr Hilary Jones who has interests in the pharmaceutical industry. They didn’t invite any of the medical professionals who were involved in the event, probably because the intention was to belittle Piers Corbyn especially for having opposing views to the mainstream narrative and also with the climate change agenda! You can find the interview on YouTube if it is still there.

So much censorship on You Tube with videos removed, strikes given to channels or removed completely and also on Facebook and many migrating to other platforms.