Will people fall for the propaganda again?

There will most likely be a push this autumn for vaccinations again by using the manipulation of fear tactics. There is a good book that was published last year called Free Your Mind – The New World of Manipulation and How to Resist It by Laura Dodsworth and Patrick Fagan. It does require lifestyle changes and constant awareness as the brainwashing is all around us in society and as the authors say it is a battle for our minds. Switching the TV off is recommended as that is a great tool used by our controllers that want to remain so. I have the audio book and I do recommend it as it is well researched and Patrick was a behavioural scientist I heard.

McCullough Protocol

Here is a video about the deception of the COVID era from Dr David Martin whose research on the patents of the Coronavirus and as he tells the International Covid Summit at EU Parliament this year, the SARS-COV-1 was patented in 1966! Anything that is patented cannot be biological!

Dr David Martin

Dr Masanori Fukushima, Professor Emeritus at Kyoto University is furious and absolutely goes OFF on the government about the #Covid#Vaccine : “These #Vaccine injured people cry themselves to sleep at night, while you try and HIDE information!! This is a case of DRUG HARM!!” “Last year I thought it was going to be a problem if this VACCINE spread and I told professional magazines that it was DELUSIONAL to try and get out of a pandemic by #Vaccination!! And NOW people are starting to understand HOW DANGEROUS this #mRNA#Covid#Vaccine really is!!!” “I mean, the MRNA is wrapped in nano particles, that means EVERY CELL in the body engulfs it and then TRANSFORMS, the MECHANISM is clear!!!”

“If you don’t feel good after vaccination, go to your doctor immediately, you could be suffering from CARDIOVASCULAR disease, AUTOIMMUNE disease, susceptibility to infection and many other things!!!” “These nano particles are also absorbed by the brain and they DO cross the BLOOD-BRAIN barrier, only a STUPID SCIENTIST would say that they wouldn’t!! People had natural immunity to COVID but due to vaccination, their natural immunity has been SUPPRESSED!!! The people that are infected with COVID now, are the #Vaccinated and NOT the #Unvaccinated, the government data speaks for itself!!” Dr Fukushima is also CEO at Foundation for Biomedical Research and Innovation at Kobe.

The image below is what Dr Peter McCullough recommends to detox spike proteins.
Nattokinase 2000u BID; Bromelaine 500mg Daily; Curcumin 500mg BID

In addition https://twitter.com/MakisMD has posted this information. NEW ARTICLE: COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Injury Treatment – BROMELAIN – breaks down & blocks spike protein (especially when combined with NAC or Curcumin), also has anti-coagulant, anti-inflammatory & anti-cancer properties! You’ve heard about Nattokinase, Quercetin, N-Acetyl Cysteine, Olive Leaf, Black Seed/Nigella Sativa, Ivermectin, Dandelion extract and 3-day Fasting for detoxing from SPIKE protein Bromelain is an enzyme derived from pineapple stems that breaks down spike protein and blocks its binding Bromelain + NAC = enhanced SPIKE break down Bromelain + Curcumin = enhanced SPIKE blocking Bromelain has additional benefits for COVID-19 vaccine injured: anti-coagulant properties (deals with blood clots) anti-cancer properties (it upregulates p53 and triggers autophagy – mRNA vaccines interfere with p53 tumor suppressor which may be a mechanism by which TURBO CANCERS arise in the COVID-19 vaccinated – BROMELAIN counters this)

Below are some documents relating to the patents on vaccine research and the technology being used.

Dr Tenpenny speaking above, was very outspoken over the last years against vaccines and particularly the COVID shots, has been investigated by the Ohio Medical Board and has had her license suspended as she has ‘failed’ or refused perhaps, to co-operate with their investigation. There are many other medical professionals who have not gone along with the ‘official’ narrative and have moved on from their previous jobs, including Drs Sam and Mark Bailey from New Zealand. This is Dr Sam’s channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyD52JnQnXkLe5HGm4IArHw Dr Sam Bailey narrated Torsten Engelbrecht’s book Virus Mania: Corona/COVID-19, Measles, Swine Flu, Cervical Cancer, Avian Flu, SARS, BSE, Hepatitis C, AIDS, Polio. Her website is https://drsambailey.com/ and is no longer a GP, instead she has become a medical author and health educator. The Baileys are in the ‘no virus and no vaccine’ camp and that is why they are criticised in mainstream medicine. Here is a statement which challenges virologists to prove the existence of a virus, also available on the above website.

We have to use our intuition as to what is right for ourselves, unfortunately the education system was co-opted by the corporate Rockefeller family who took over mainstream medicine and created their own system using their oil money to create the pharmaceutical industry.

Why 5G is War against Humanity

I have instinctively felt and heard that 5G is bad for us, and I’ve shared on here before and on other platforms important pieces of information about it. I have listened to Claire Edwards stand up against it in a declaration that was read out and handed into the Government of Austria a few years ago and now a recent video that was shared on social media got my attention again, see below.

Claire Edwards in 2019

A warning from Joe Imbriano who has science degrees, in 2020 which I uploaded to Bitchute https://www.bitchute.com/video/ZpQFLM4OdcGE/

This was my talk to locals a few years ago about 5G https://vimeo.com/349343197?share=copy

Electricity from air

I always wondered why we had such massive and ugly pylons which cover often our most beautiful landscapes for the National Grid? This video is saying that the electrical energy which surrounds us is being harvested by the power lines. Certainly when you are close to them and some houses are built quite close in urban areas as the pylons were there before the houses were built, you can hear the sounds! I couldn’t live close to them or in their vicinity. The clip is from Spacebusters 2020.

So considering that this seems to be another scam perpetrated on humanity and many of us are already struggling to pay energy bills, shows that the corporate system is callous and deceptive. They are so powerful and no wonder!