Farming a planned destruction

I missed this report, but I’m well aware of the UN global agenda. We have been warned of coming scarcities in the food chain for a while. The globalists have got this all well planned and we are witnessing the technocratic takeover of everything in these last 3 years especially.

Meanwhile local communities are growing again and local is better for the environment. There is a grassroots initiative launched September 2022 called The People’s Food and Farming Alliance and this is their website and Telegram channel and the Rumble channel where Katherine Macbean introduces the PFFA.

Looking at trauma

Dr Gabor Mate speaks about his work

Much healing is needed for trauma and psychological issues created through life in this world. Awareness of why we feel the way we do when strong feelings or reactions happen are important for our own self-knowledge and healing. Below Paul McKenna shares a powerful technique called ‘Havening’, which I learned about from a fellow traveller yesterday who is also a practitioner and has had great results with it.

The Havening Technique demonstration

I was part of the Rajneesh/Osho movement in the seventies into the nineties, so I know from experience that active meditations lead to a better experience of silence and peace, particularly so in the presence of a Master who was creating a Buddhafield around him. Here in this video with English subtitles is a good example of how these teachings and meditations of Bhagwan as he was first known, help release traumas. Even after his passing in January 1990, his energy can still be felt.

A Dutch sannyasin tells her story

Here is a link to the library of Osho

Life is being attacked

I’ve written what I perceive to be truth, particularly throughout the last three years or more when I’ve written about #5G and #transhumanism being part of a dangerous hidden agenda.

Here Karen Kingston who has been flagging up her research many times with the Stew Peters Show in the U.S is sharing her latest findings with Mike Adams, the Health Ranger who created his own platform against censorship here and my channel below.

Biotech analyst Karen Kingston shows documentation and patents

It is imperative that good people become aware of this agenda and it is no good burying our heads in the sand. Yesterday I went to a Wellness Fair for a PHA Hub which is part of the Peoples Health Alliance and promoting Holistic Therapies and taking responsibility for our own health and wellness. Too much propaganda and brainwashing has taught people that doctors are the go to for remedies, but as I’ve said before the chemicalising of natural plant based remedies took over and made things much worse.

Please pay attention to this video if you care for the future of humanity, we need to take action. Do not let fear paralyse you, but transmute that through the heart and feel the spirit of love and knowing what is right. This is my Sunday message and let us unite in truth. Blessings and love.

I’ve been reminded of this video explanation of the street light technology rolled out a few years ago.