From human potential to social potential

Barbara Marx Hubbard calls herself a futurist, she certainly has led a long and fruitful life as a visionary. In her book Conscious Evolution she talks about the path of the co-creator being part of the social potential movement. She says: ‘Building on the story of the Western world, the spiritual path of the cocreator dawns on the eighth day of creation. In Genesis, God is said to have finished the work of creation on the seventh day, rested, and saw that it was good. On the eighth day of creation, however, we are waking up to find that we are responsible for the creation. To fulfil this responsibility, we must gain an ever greater resonance with the process of creation, or in traditional terms, with the will of God. We are speaking here of nothing less than the spiritual maturation of humanity.

Out of this emerging cocreative spirituality comes the cocreative person. The cocreative person is one who is motivated by Spirit, awakened in the heart, and activated to express unique creativity for the sake of the self and the world.’

Now is the time when this is most needed as we’re finding that we cannot trust our political systems to take us into a better world for everyone. There is such deception in this world and chaos that we are living in a time for a new paradigm.

I have always felt that the ‘second coming’ was to be in the hearts of humanity and that change can only come from the grassroots.

WE ARE THE ONES WE HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR! It is all up to us, what do we want to create? Our minds are powerful! Let us dream our future into existence. LOVE IS …