Paris-COP21 – the alternative




Many environmental activists from around the world are here in Paris to mark this 21st round of Conference of the Parties, sponsored mainly by the fossil fuel lobby. We do not have hopes that they will change from their agenda of business as usual. This is a growing movement of grassroots groups who will be taking action.
D12 Red Lines happened after all the recent negotiations with police,
because thousands of people were determined to take part in the protest, due to not enough being done by politicians after 21 years of meeting on this subject.
During the week many groups representing indigenous communities who were the most affected by the extractive fossil fuel industries demonstrated their frustrations with governmental processes and were removed from the Solutions conference centre by security men. Even groups like and journalists were removed from the area for questioning the status quo!
It is very apparent that mainstream media is not reporting any dissenting voices, so it is important that the voices of communities that want to protect the land are heard.
It is good that alternative media are documenting the people’s version of what is happening in Paris alongside the ‘official’ media, which includes the New Internationist and Democracy Now.
Most importantly is that the movement for global justice and climate is connecting and what is becoming clear is that it is system change that’s needed, which makes all people inclusive and that much must be done to protect the most vulnerable. We all live on this planet and will all suffer from the consequences of inaction!
We must not stand by and let this destruction continue, it is time for change!

From Gill in Manchester who wrote: Climate change affects every single person and species on this Planet Earth. I pledge on behalf of myself, my children, my grandchildren and every other person on this planet that I will do my best to find the perfect solution to us all, animal, vegetable and human, living in peace. By living in peace then our climate and our planet will be peaceful. Peace is the solution. Peace Be With You.

Thank you Gill, Bless you.

So Be It


Global Citizens Climate Summit 6th December, 2015

 I travelled to Paris yesterday and so I didn’t arrive at the Citizens Climate Summit until the last speeches after visiting Alternatiba. It was difficult to find the building from that area as many people that I asked didn’t know here it was being held. 

Naomi Klein was speaking when I arrived and I managed to film the last part of her speech which is available on Bambuser/HilsView 

I will be seeing her on Monday evening for her conversation with Jeremy Corbyn with the unions. 

Bombshell: The Turkish Assault on Russia’s SU-24 was Guided by U.S. Air Force [Boeing E-3 Sentry AWACS radar plane]

Russia Insider reports that the ambush on the Russian U-24 bomber was guided by the US Airforce.
In an interview with the Russian news agency Regnum, a Russian military expert said that “A US Air Force Boeing E-3 Sentry AWACS plane took off on 24 November from the Preveza airbase in Greece.
A second E-3A of the Saudi Arabian air force took off from the Riyadh airbase.
Both planes were executing a common task—determining the precise location of Russian aircraft. It is they that picked the “victim.”
The American E-3A was supposed to determine the activity of the Su-24M2′s onboard targeting radar, to determine if it was in search mode or if it had already locked on to a target and was processing launch-data. It is known that the AWACS can direct the activity of aircraft in battle, conveying information to their avionics and flight computers.
The expert went on explaining the technical details of how the US and Saudi AF planes guided the Turkish F-16s to a sure missile launch in ‘target illumination’ mode, meaning that the radar was turned off as soon as the missile locket into its target.
A U.S. Air Force Boeing E-3 Sentry AWACS plane took off on 24 November from the Preveza airbase in Greece. A second E-3A of the Saudi Arabian air force took off from the Riyadh airbase. Both planes were executing a common task—determining the precise location of Russian aircraft. It is they that picked the “victim.”
The American E-3A was supposed to determine the activity of the Su-24M2’s onboard targeting radar, to determine if it was in search mode or if it had already locked on to a target and was processing launch data. It is known that the AWACS can direct the activity of aircraft in battle, conveying information to their avionics and flight computers.