Is there such a thing as contagious disease?

I never cease to be amazed when truth is presented and how the people of Earth have been hoodwinked by the corporate powers. I have written about how they have taken over control of what we consume and how the amount of chemicals have polluted the environment. In this video it shows that there is wrong teaching within Virology and also with the Germ Theory, which has led to a false picture of how the human body functions at a cellular level and completely misses that it naturally works to eliminate toxins if we allow it. Dr Tom Cowan who co-authored the book ‘The Contagion Myth: Why Viruses including “Coronavirus”) Are Not the Cause of Disease’ refers to Harold Hillman and this is his website He wrote this interesting article which challenges the current belief of virologists, who have not isolated and proved the existence of living viruses. See also the work of Dr Stefan Lanka.

We have to give our bodies the right nutrition and the Weston A Price Foundation is a good resource and tells more about the founder who was a dentist and was against toxic dentistry and he looked into what made certain groups of people healthy, particularly in Alpine regions and it included using animal fats and a clean air environment.

This is a long video and I have seen these explanations before and shared various ones on the website but this is a good visual overview

The American doctors I have been listening to for the last year are included in the video, particularly Dr Andrew Kaufman and Dr Tom Cowan and their teachings are proving the ‘cult theories’ to be wrong. They quote from the book ‘The Invisible Rainbow’ by Arthur Firstenberg which shows that the electrification of the Earth has been detrimental to the human body and also coincidentally when pandemics would occur like in the Spanish Flu. The introduction of more and more EMF’s must be having consequences. Here is a video explaining what happens to our liver with so much toxicity and people do not do enough detoxing particularly to remove heavy metals from the body.

truth about the liver

Below are parts of a panel discussion on the science of what is being offered in the latest so called ‘vaccines’ and their effects, as there appears to be ‘shedding’ from the bodies of injected people who have taken it without knowing what it contains. Of course debate on these issues isn’t allowed in the mainstream.

Dr Larry Palevsky

These two clips are taken from this panel

They talk about spike proteins being made by the body after injection but there is no evidence what happens to that … ?? They believe it to be a weapon of mass destruction.

Human nature is programmable

I’ve been inspired to share this blog thanks to Mark Passio’s passion, knowledge and experience. In his talk he stresses the importance of objective truth. plus one’s own self worth is so important for seeing through the lies in this realm of existence. My life’s journey has led me to the same conclusions hence why I have my own website.

GVP #188 – Mark Passio – Consequencialism in Action – with Mark Devlin

This is also available on YouTube but this audio is taken from Mark’s Spreaker podcast. It is also mentioned that perhaps about 15% of an audience is not susceptible to hypnosis. I think that meditation and not adhering to the TV programming also can make you immune to the repetitious lies from the mainstream, whether it is advertising or 24 hour news. A good look into mass mind control by repetition is explained here by Jason Christoff who has developed training on ‘Self Sabotage’

Freedom is worth dying for‘ is another issue discussed. I am a free spirit and I’ve not fitted easily into society whether it was in working life, and particularly the mindsets of others who watch TV every night and just want to talk about what happened in the soaps or in other discussions. I am not a follower although I did spend many years as a disciple of a Master, because that is the experience I naturally fell into whilst travelling in India. I learned so much from Osho Rajneesh, it was a very valuable time, especially better than missing out on the university experience. Life is to be lived for oneself in the here and now, and not through the TV screen and false reality. That is how fear has been used to manipulate and control people. It is a battle for our souls and there are varying levels of slavery here.

The war on testosterone is also discussed through the chemicals everywhere and I believe that is how they control behaviour, particularly in men. They do not want people to wake up and fight against their system. In this spiritual battle it does take personal responsibility and we all have to deal with karma either in this life or in the afterlife. What we all do affects mass consciousness!

These two men, Dennis O’Connor and Shay Ryan speak on EarthHeroesTV – THE BIGGEST CRISIS THREATENING HUMANITY: Men’s Health & Sperm Count here on FB.

Awareness is key and we can change this oppressive status quo before it is too late, from the satanic inversion of truth to the raised consciousness of humanity coming together in unity consciousness which is what we are capable of at this auspicious time of planetary change.

4th Industrial Revolution planned takeover of nature and humans

Winter Oak have looked into the exploitation of peoples’ concern over the environment in this article

One of the best environmental journalists for her in depth research is Cory Morningstar, who is interviewed here by Whitney Webb on her Unlimited Hangout podcast, from which I’ve taken a shortened piece below the link from

I have written previously about the plans of the WEF, technocracy and transhumanism but everything seems to be rolling out at quite a rate these days. Of course the Davos group meet annually and their plans have been long term and because you don’t hear much about them via mainstream media, most people will not believe it. They are working in lockstep as per the Rockefeller program and the UN Agenda 21/2030. Here is an article mentioned by Cory

Keir Starmer is the British politician who was invited into the Trilateral Commission, a powerful globalist organisation as written about in this article

The social media platforms have and are all playing their part in the conspiracy against the population, rather than being an innocent creative social platform, they are working for surveillance and control. Here Whitney Webb has an article on Technocracy News

Since the COVID lockdown last March the internet has been a vehicle for like-minded people to come together and inform each other as well as being a tool for surveillance. At least it gives more autonomy on what one chooses to see rather than watching the 24 hour repetitive mind control of the TV. Here Dr Naomi Wolf shares a warning about the vaccine passport is the plan for the globalist corporate agenda to bring in a system for the West identical to China’s social credit system

A discussion on the future in this age of technology with Johnny Vedmore called Data Colonialism & Hackable Humans

So we have to choose before it’s too late….