King Charles takes on the role of Monarch

So let’s take a little look at what we’ve seen of Charles and more recently with the globalist agenda and the WEF leader Klaus Schwab, who seems to have trained many ‘young leaders’. They are all in on the ‘Climate Emergency’ scam!

full video here

‘The world is a stage’ said William Shakespeare and others and certainly in the 21st Century we get plenty of entertainment to distract us from simply living. There are many historians and researchers who present information which differs from what is presented on TV and in film. We have to be discerning, but it is obvious that the richest people in the world have more control, and many say and know that there is a hidden hand behind who we get to see in the roles that are played.

In that way many things have been hidden and the secret societies have played a large part in this as well as certain factions in the military/industrial complex. So the truth is often in a need to know basis. When it comes to the future, those who do not have our best interests in their plans, more of their deceptions are being revealed. For example why all these underground bases?

More on the WEF

The Great Reset financially

Prof. Richard Werner on economics & CBDC
The Rich Dad Radio Show

So the predators are moving fast to trap us into their planned totalitarian takeover, through controlling money in the digital world of finance with Central Bank Digital Currency as well as all the resources. Professor Werner has been promoting community banking for many years and it is so important for our freedoms not to have centralised control, as we have had via the Central Banks up to now. Also we need to keep using CASH.

Australian Suncorp suggests microchips in hand

Profit seeking destroys healthcare

How Rockefeller created the pharmaceutical industry and controlled healthcare

The Great NHS Heist

A discussion between a nurse activist Kate Shemirani and activist Doctor Bob Gill (see video below), who has made the film The Great NHS Heist, brought this film of 2020 to my attention today. Certainly COVID made what was happening with the NHS more obvious to many of us, that things had gone badly wrong with our health service! I already realised that allopathic medicine was controlled by the pharmaceutical industry who were there to make large profits from disease with their synthetic drugs. As a meditator and someone who was aware that what we put in our bodies together with our lifestyles can contribute to dis-ease. Also life in this world can be very challenging in a toxic environment, fast foods for convenience and with the propaganda which is around us 24/7 through advertising and various media of film and TV.

Kate Shemirani and Dr Bob Gill conversation
What happened to this GP when he spoke out
Two US + 1 UK business

England’s NHS has been denationalised and Americanised into 42 differently structured for-profit Integrated Care Systems based on U.S Managed/Accountable Care Organisations. Less care = profits! #RenationaliseNHS #NHS_NOT_ICS (from Twitter)

On the positive side there is a growing organisation by the people for the people called the Peoples Health Alliance whose time has come. Their website includes a Practitioners Directory and Health Education articles at and the focus is self-empowerment through taking responsibility for caring for ourselves and each other.

There are many holistic therapies on offer, rather than just treating systems with pharmaceuticals, which doesn’t get to the root cause of dis-ease, which can often be our own response to circumstances. Holistic therapies look at the whole body, mind and emotions that are presented and assist to rebalance.

Here on UnitedNetwork.News are stories from around the world with a positive focus on what communities are doing

Don’t have the jab!

This video called Sudden Adult Death Syndrome is a compilation of adverse reactions and deaths from the injections, which are coerced in many cases. Difficult visuals to take but necessary, to show the truth of what they are doing and knowingly to humanity.

It is shocking to see that the world has so obviously been split by those who seek to control everything. The evidence is out there but a large amount of the population still believe what comes from the mainstream channels and do not look anywhere else. The sleek actors in full view must have sold their souls to the devil in pushing this agenda. Fame and fortune still rules for many, for a very attractive and rich lifestyle maybe?

It is time to re-evaluate what is important, money or your life?

How can people believe SADS when these people are dying after taking the injections?


This video about the AIDS epidemic also shows the deception used to frighten people and especially those found to test positive for the HIV virus and subsequently given the drug AZT which eventually killed them.