UK news

Whatever is going on in this world, it could all be scripted by the ‘powers’ so try and stay as a witness, keep grounded and be in nature as much as possible. features Bank Failures: Fears of a Bank Run

A revealing piece of information from the Russian side which you don’t normally hear in the UK

Participants concerns were not given airtime by the BBC

Eva Vlaar
Dr Mike Yeadon
Interesting research on business and energy


Polanski shocks Sky News
Our lying politicians!
UK Column report on Online Safety Bill review

Police throughout UK are being asked to do their duty

Latest news from the Bernician

Remember Remember, The 21st of December | A Lyrical Prophesy

Interesting research here From Paula Jardine in the Conservative Woman

Bio-weapon destroys immune system over time

John O’Looney the funeral director speaks to Lou Collins Children are dying

People come together

This video is being shared by many concerned people and now Cheshire Live is putting their slant on it to demonise the people serving the notice, when in fact they called the Police who agreed to assist them and served the notice in the school.

At Chistleton High School near Chester

Anna De Buisseret: All The Law Is On Our Side… There Will Be A Second Nuremburg Trial (full & uncensored)

A UK Column special interview with top French vaccine expert Professor Christian Peronne

Breaking through the censorship of the BBC, a caller had pretended to have changed his mind on the CV vaccines and managed to get his points across on the Jeremy Vine Show!

Ooops did he say sterilisation??

Dr Vernon Coleman explains the dilemma facing the GMC

PUB To Lay Charges of Mass Murder By Government Policy

Why food shortages?
Targeting young people

One of the most protected crimes against humanity is Satanic Ritual Abuse and the extent to which it is being practised in the UK. Listen to a survivor Jeanette Archer speak to a crowd at Hyde Park followed by a letter from Wilfred Wong who is being held on remand for trying to help victims of this crime—Jeanette-Archer-London-today—Names-Psycho-Pedos-and-Crimes:a?r=EohzhBGvf9dQo9X7SMKTd9hdu1tTchiZ

Latest from the Bernician on the PCP with Mark Devlin and what he has to say about Matt Hancock and Neil Ferguson.

Leaked documents from technocrat Neil Ferguson from Imperial College read here 15 July planned permanent lockdown of UK, which appears to be fake. See also how deeply he is implicated in dictating to governments on pandemics as published by The Bernician

The author of The Road to Kill the Bill: Standing up for our rights to protest, Joe Boyd is interviewed on UK Column News. It is available on Amazon in paperback for £9.99 or Kindle as below. It is Joe’s story through experience of peaceful protest in the anti-fracking campaign from the end of 2013 in the north of England and his challenge to Ineos who tried to block all protest.

The voting by the Labour Party was in error in the article from The Light Paper, and was actually 200 against as shown

Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill: Second Reading

Division 239: held on 16 March 2021 at 19:10

 359Ayes 263Noes From Hansard:

Not sure who this guy is but he makes a lot of sense with regard to highlighting the true areas of power in London with regard to the protest marching.

David Icke speaks about Midazolam being used in COVID-19 care homes in the spring of 2020 after patients were sent there from hospitals, in a systematic culling of the elderly

Training for schools being given on extremism in relation to COVID

Latest news from UK Column

:Andrew speaks with Neelu about the corruption and the ‘trial’ of John Paterson, a political prisoner of the system.
SRA survivors march in London – full video here

Nurses speak to Sons of Liberty here

Ex-policeman explains our rights and the police are abusing their oaths in many cases, they should serve ‘we the people’ and not the government. The police are not above the law. Many are committing misconduct in public office which is a criminal offence.

The anti-protest laws got passed through the House of Commons on Wednesday 17th March and will now go to the House of Lords. Unfortunately the Whip system gets the votes they want, so it’s not really a democracy. Listen to this QC speaking:

The Peoples Lawyer channel has some good points to make

Interesting connections to the Oxford/Astra-Zeneca deal James Corbett interviews Whitney Webb

On vaccine passports from

Here is Oracle Films response to the Panorama disinformation report on Monday February 15

Here is the latest news on the case against UK politician Matt Hancock MP and three members of SAGE

It is now state policy it seems how the State is dictating to Health & Social Care staff, listen to a whistleblower over concerns with the vaccine agenda. It is becoming more apparent how cruel these policies are!

Rachel Elnaugh gives some history here

A leaked document from the Cabinet Office is very revealing pre-Covid here

See What’s New page for the We Are Vaxxed video with an expert on what is in the COVID vaccine, NOT to be recommended. See also related to the Pfizer vaccine

You can sign this petition to Prime Minister Boris Johnson here regarding the Court Order scams, which also links to the COVID scams that are making money for politicians and some policemen it seems see the press report here

Rachel Elnaugh brings some important facts to the table here

Selfish and Ignorant

PM Boris Johnson has announced the 3rd national lockdown across England on January 4th, 2021 and it’s worth considering this from The Bernician

They are using draconian measures to lock us down and below a pathologist provides some actual figures of deaths. Perhaps the language they are using is to create more fear, rather than providing any evidence of the danger. We all need to take responsibility for our own health and nature knows best.

Dr Charlie Ward interviews Geza Tarjanyi on politics and more

Dr Clare Craig speaks about the faster test’s efficacy
Urgent message re imprisonment of Wilfrid Wong and colleagues

It is important that we pay attention to the fraud that is being perpetrated on us particularly in the UK and US, please read the link below for an explanation of our constitution from The Bernician. Please also go to this website and support Simon Dolan’s campaign,

A British doctor’s confession

Back at the end of March 2020 this is one article stating the test does not work

Interview with Julia Hartley Brewer

Lord Sumption speaks on the Government

The UK government knows the virus doesn’t exist see article here

Re COVID app

Mark Devlin has positivity for the future and our freedom from tyranny, it is up to us!

We have an uncensored news channel without advertisements called the UK Column, mainly supported by subscriptions which I listen to whenever I can, as there is so much out there to connect to currently and a lot of sharing of news.

Here is a good article which I recommend by Vanessa Beeley

This is the inventor of the PCR test speaking in 1997 (in English), judge for yourself whether this makes sense in relation to COVID 19.

Kary Mullis