Discrimination and agendas

I don’t have an agenda except to tell the truth as I see it and if people don’t like it, it is not my problem. I am not nasty and I don’t wish to do others harm, but I do prefer to see the bigger picture and I do see that there are agendas out there and backed with a lot of money. When people are discriminated against for having views which don’t fit with those agendas and are treated badly, it reveals a lot about the hive mind and indoctrination. You are not allowed to stray away and this must go on in all kinds of scenarios. This must be a time of revealing as I’ve been shown another exposure of a well known figure in a different scenario to the fracking and environmental movement today. There is a dark side to everything. As I posted in other blogs we are heading towards a dystopian future if we are not careful…

Controlled opposition

I have been thinking about this subject for quite a while as more and more gets revealed by people, either from their own experiences or through research in various fields of life. It can get quite unpleasant or unfriendly with people you think are on the same side for example, in the anti-fracking campaign at Preston New Road there was division, now why would that be?

Re 5G campaign for example Mark Steele research by Annie Logical

and Part 3

We live in a dualistic world, we humans have a divided brain with the left hemisphere controlling the right side of our bodies and dealing with logic, thinking and language, the masculine and more outward facing side of our psyche and the right hemisphere being the creative, mystical, emotional and feminine side of us with a more inward focus. So being in balance gives us ability to use critical thinking and to trust our own inner knowing. So it is important that we learn to know ourselves by testing whether something resonates within our heart/mind and that could be different for each person’s life experiences. The mind can be deceptive so there are other ways that the body can speak to us and dowsing tools are one of these ways. Here is a good talk about being Conscientious Observers by Earth Empaths

So it is not surprising that much division exists in this world, usually for control with power and money. Lies and deceit by hiding the truth is used for selfish purposes and that could be called service to self and be classed as the dark side and many other terms. Service to others is a more holistic approach to the good of the whole in my view.

In order to consciously evolve here and live in harmony as much as we can with our planet, we have to be mindful of ourselves and others. We can learn through our mistakes and importantly be honest with ourselves.

Here is a piece about the heart which I was going to share a few months ago cleansing the heart

So rather than point the finger, turn and look at oneself and thank your adversaries for the opportunity. We love the drama though don’t we? Then when we act we do it from the right place …