Completing the takeover of the planet?

Listen to “Whitney Webb Exposes How Green Finance is Monopolizing the Planet” on Spreaker.

This is a very serious issue that must be taken on board particularly by people concerned about the environment and are supporting Greta Thunberg and the Climate Emergency campaign. Let us remember that the climate is always changing and we are not isolated from the solar system and space weather.

Kerry Cassidy from Project Camelot gives a good overview of the alien aspect to all that is happening lbry://@PROJECTCAMELOT#d/KERRY-VIDEO-UPDATE-NOV-24THfinal#7

The stories that are passed on throughout millenia indicate that humans are not the only race to inhabit this planet and since the COVID outbreak, it does appear that there is a war on humanity and that there is a bio-weapon which is computer generated, at large. Dr David Martin has discussed the patents in place well before the outbreak and there was the Rockefeller’s Lockstep document which was published in 2010.

There are predators amongst us. Here is more evidence of the war against us–amp–You—Deborah-Tavares-Trevor-Coppola—Conspiracy-Con:a

Here is the document NASA War document

I wonder why? Perhaps it is because humanity has more potential than we are led to believe??

COP 26 launches GFANZ

Technocracy is moving right along with the central banks and private finance, which is well explained by researchers who have been investigating the powers behind these plans and Agenda 2030, so Net Zero is the new buzzword. Whitney Webb introduces this roundtable with a review of GFANZ launched in Glasgow at COP 26. In the video they explain the developments since the Rio Summit in 1992 when they launched Agenda 21 for the next century.–Iain-Davis

The actor Greta Thunberg has been well researched by Cory Morningstar in her expose in She has won people’s hearts to her cause thanks to mainstream media and influential people around her. This is a good summary on the state of affairs in our world from that website:


The art of propaganda has been nothing less than brilliant. The deceit is so thick – you need a knife to cut through it. The corruption and greed so deep you need wings to stay above it and thigh high boots to wade through it. An alluring tapestry of luminous lies, interwoven with finely textured deception and silk-like corruption – as smooth and seductive as freshly churned butter. The pursuit of man’s mind by way of domination has been the greatest and most successful experiment – the manipulation of man’s mind has resulted in a massive erosion of empathy, which has allowed status quo “business as usual” to continue uninterrupted with little resistance. Capitalism effectively bred a contempt for our Earth that multiplied like a virus. The pollution of mind mutated into narcissism with inflicted self-hatred to form a suicidal Molotov cocktail. Those who have succumbed now hold hands in a circle and taunt the very planet that gives us life. The ugly side of humanity continues to violently pierce our Earth Mother with drills and slash her beautiful skin with razors. She is losing breath. She is dying. Yet, when she lashes back, it will be with an Armageddon deathblow against which our own actions will resemble childish prattle. And perhaps not until this time will global society finally recognize that our shared purpose was not to compete with one another and claim dominance and superiority over our Earth Mother – but rather our role was to protect, defend and nurture. The human family – under the arm of its EuroAmerican “big brother” – will have finally succeeded in conquering our shared planet, only to find that we have destroyed ourselves. – Cory Morningstar, excerpt from part II of the exposé, The 2º Death Dance – The 1º Cover-up

From the Copenhagen COP 15 Later came the schoolgirl Greta, sitting with her protest sign… The investigative journalist Cory Morningstar who also has a website called The piece below is taken from her book:

The manufacturing of Greta Thunberg – for consent: the political economy of the non-profit industrial complex

“We are introduced to the not-so accidental phenomena of Greta Thunberg, the current child prodigy and face of the youth climate change movement. The “climate change is real” message is reframed for public consumption and rolled out at an international level, using Greta and her global platform to “sound the alarm” on climate change.
This climate emergency is likened to a “house on fire”, while urging the public to be serious, patriotic, empathetic and, of course, nonviolent. Not one sentence of the new strategy mentions the horrific impact militarism has on climate change.
The New Climate Economy being pushed by groups like Extinction Rebellion merely repackage our oppression into emergency mode. This urgency becomes global so that governments, NGOs and corporations will all direct immediate funding towards unlocking trillions of capital needed to save capitalism by further funding the new green imperialism.
Today’s youth are used and molded into market solutions to insulate a global elite. Celebrity-sponsored activism seeks to build a new industry in which NGOs, the media and corporate powers collude to get people to support the very industries we should be erasing from the planet.
The planet’s most powerful capitalists lie behind these “youth-led” movements for climate change, helping to manufacture consent for the “fourth industrial revolution” in an attempt to quell resistance to industrial civilisation.”

Another expose from COP 26 here and the ridiculousness of their plans for humanity, including changing the food system and we can eat insects!

Deception as an artform

First of all how do we know when we are being deceived? Some people are good actors. I have only put this out because I was sent yet another video called Sacha Stone Exposed. We must decide for ourselves. I have enjoyed listening to many of his videos and a lot of good information gets revealed through his network of contacts. Nevertheless there does appear to be a dark side.

The exposure of Sacha Stone by Alessandro du Chatel, I originally shared the YouTube video from the Nightflight channel, then once this blog was published the video was not available, and I was able to download it and share on my channel

This video focuses on the ITNJ – International Tribunal for Natural Justice, see their website This interview does a lot of analysis particularly on the symbols used by the ITNJ and Sacha Stone’s New Earth Project. Alessandro was a volunteer at the New Earth Haven in Bali for 3 months and realised that Sacha was not exactly the persona he was projecting on the world stage. He wrote this article after he left and started his website six months later. He talks about Sacha’s links with Ciro Orsini and the U.N. I heard what happened to Fiona Barnett through that article and published her video testimony to the ITNJ in my article about SRA whistleblowers and the book she wrote can be downloaded here This is Fiona’s testimony which speaks of international child trafficking, Luciferianism, Catholicism, CIA, MKUltra and Sydney’s Hillsong Church

Sacha Stone has been very active online since COVID particularly, and more recently he did a tour in the U.S called Arise America and currently is in Romania. He certainly has many connections particularly in high places and it’s certainly a very interesting life he leads. He has charisma for sure and many women are attracted to him and for that reason it maybe difficult to believe that he could be controlled opposition. He does appear to be a narcissist IMO and perhaps similarly as with the Agenda 21/2030 programme all is not as it sounds …