My Life’s Journey and the Collective

How I feel about Extinction Rebellion and #ClimateEmergency

As a Quaker I find that I differ in opinion to other Quakers on sustainability issues and I do have concerns about the environment and the corporate ecocide that is taking place on our planet. I also know Quaker Friends who are participating in Extinction Rebellion actions and other activist friends who I have come to know through the anti-fracking movement are believing the hype about the Climate Emergency.

My reasons for not supporting #XR I have shared elsewhere, but now feel it better to summarise them here. I have been involved in activism to stop fracking in the UK since late 2013 when the first site to be developed in the north was in the Salford area of Barton Moss. We felt that fracking was not the way to go for our environment, because of the experiences we heard from speakers from Canada, U.S and Australia about the dangers to human and animal health as well as the threat to our underground water and air. I joined Frack Free Lancashire, Keep East Lancashire Frack Free, the Lancashire Nanas and the campaign at Preston New Road and last year a group of us from #NoFaithinFracking organised a week of activities there. I’ve also been a member of the Green Party and taken part in Reclaim the Power and Friends of the Earth camps and activities. Because of how I feel about what is happening with the climate, and differ from activists who are following the mainstream narrative, we have gone our separate ways.

Our government had also pulled the plug on subsidies for renewables and instead were determined to subsidise a new fossil fuel industry that would take years to develop. So I have sympathy for the actions now being taken, which I think are misguided on the causes, because if you look deeper at who funds the non-governmental organisations you may find George Soros’ Open Society Foundation who seem expert in social engineering. The journalist Cory Morningstar has been researching environmentalism, particularly documenting the lead up to the financialisation of nature – you can look deeper here at one of her websites, asking questions about the green agenda

Niki Raapana & her daughter Nordica Friedrich have written and published their own book called ‘2020: Our Common Destiny and The Definitive Anti Communitarian Manifesto’ and this is what Niki says in the introduction: “Our thesis is that Communitarian Law is the judicial system and spiritual foundation for worldwide Sustainable Development”. The book was published in March 2012 and is available as an ebook.

I have gained information from research done by many good people and have read books on influences such as UN Agenda 21 and now UN #Agenda2030  and their Sustainable Development Goals -SDGs, see (Behind the Green Mask by Rosa Koire who learned by experience in Santa Rosa, Northern California), Technocracy Rising by Patrick Wood and Chemtrails, Haarp and the Full Spectrum Dominance of Planet Earth by Elana Freeland tells us that the military/industrial complex have been secretly developing silent weapons for weather modification and they use far more ‘fossil fuels’ than do the population at large. Here is some information about ICLEI from the work of Rosa Koire So much is decided and done without our knowledge and the view of the world we are given by MSM is nothing like the truth! This world is controlled from behind the scenes, note the Bilderberg group who meet annually in secret and the plan is about to get worse, that is why I’m suspicious of this global environmental activism and who is pulling the strings. Here are revelations about ‘fossil’ fuels!

More explanation here on Agenda 21 Rosa Koire talks with Jason Liosatos on here

As far as climate change goes I have certainly been following developments for many years and I’ve learned that the climate always changes, it goes through cycles and it is good to question the motives behind this narrative of blaming humans for too much CO2 in the atmosphere, which is too generalised a statement for the truth IMO.

Here is a talk by Dr William Happer from Princeton University who rebuts the myth of carbon pollution. It has been found in the past that there has been much higher levels of CO2 and the planet is greened by it. Dr Patrick Moore disagrees with NGOs on carbon and the climate. The sun has a more powerful influence and goes through cycles, currently low sunspot activity, weak magnetosphere  and nature finds a balance. The sun determines climate not carbon dioxide

 Whose fault is it? We can always try to improve the way we live and be good examples with a more natural lifestyle but not everyone can do that or want to. We live in a corporate world and they dictate much of what is happening. Certainly the military/industrial complex uses the most ‘fossil fuels’ and is there really a need to expand airports??

We are still supporting the multi-nationals, who are the ones responsible for stripping the Earth for profit.

Are we being asked to go backwards and give up all fossil fuels? I now think becoming fossil-free is foolish, as there are better ways to clean up our world, (technology for good not being released) and with low carbon, it wouldn’t be a green planet. We would find it very difficult as carbon dioxide is the gas of life, so is it intended for less people? and robots instead? I’m not so sure that electric cars are that green anyway and why driverless cars?? The fact that most pensions are invested in fossil fuels could create a breakdown of society too. We know the relationship between plastic being made from petroleum and technology could be utilised to convert plastic back to petroleum. Perhaps the label ‘fossil’ fuels is incorrect too! We just take everything that is told to us as the truth without questioning! The corporate world uses ‘scarcity’ to increase their prices so everything seems a manipulation to their advantage. ‘Follow the money’ is a good guide to who is funding who and what.

I started to hear that there were scientific voices who were not in agreement with the consensus which was handed down from the UN IPCC panel on climate change. Here is their statement: IPCC reports are neutral, policy-relevant but not policy-prescriptive.  The assessment reports are a key input into the international negotiations to tackle climate change. Created by the United Nations Environment Programme (UN Environment) and the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) in 1988, the IPCC  has 195 Member countries.

Recent fires in California and Australia and the connection with high speed rail are suspicious News on an underground rail link between China, Russia, west coast of US and Australia

I’ve been learning more about the history of climate for our planet and unfortunately the so called consensus view does not take into consideration our past extremes of temperature and that we are in an interglacial period which is cooling according to the climate scientists who have been labelled climate deniers. I’ve also read about magnetic reversals which appears to be affecting us currently, with the poles migrating and have split both in the north and south. Weather extremes are definitely happening with the North Pole moving eastwards, affecting Siberia and many parts of Asia and the western split affecting North America with colder weather. There is so much that can affect us from space also with an increase in cosmic radiation currently. Thanks to independent researchers and the internet, we can follow topics of interest rather than depend on what we hear on TV, which is more controlled.

I’ve always been interested in the bigger picture as well as what affects us locally. I stand by my view that fracking is wrong and so is 5G which is being imposed on us globally without our consent for the internet of things. All this radiation and heavy metals from our atmosphere will affect our health with more cancers or kill us. So discernment is important and we need to take responsibility for our bodies and protect ourselves in this polluted environment. We live in a corrupted world and I personally don’t think our politicians are looking after our best interests at all, even if they appear to listen, due to vested interests. We have always been divided as a people in many ways, as we are more easily controlled that way, so even our grassroots campaigns have gone that way. I trust that consciousness and light is needed to dispel the darkness and we must follow our own hearts and not expect others to lead or ‘save’ us…

Conspiracy in this Orwellian world

Any research which goes against the mainstream version of events is labelled conspiracy to be ridiculed. Only independent journalism is able to dig deeper and reveal the web of interconnection and deceit. David Icke was the first that I was aware of, who joined the dots and more recently I have listened to Windows on the World, a website where there is an archive of shows and they have looked into the background of the founders of Extinction Rebellion. Mark Windows, Piers Corbyn and Sandi Adams have been touring with their presentation of ‘The Bigger Picture’ which pulls together very well what I have been talking about. Many have reported that XR appears to be a top down decision making organisation even though they say it is based on a self-organising system, with many activists from Occupy taking leading roles.

There is good and bad in everything, we live in a world of duality. Creativity with an open and enquiring mind is needed, let us be aware and not afraid to question …

Smart Cities

As part of Sustainable Development the new smart cities will have the Internet of Things powered by 5G. These are already planned for future living, see the new Masdar City in the Middle East where people will live in compact units.

Bush/wild fires and the connection with land clearance for high speed rail in both California and Australia and the creation of smart cities linked by this new rail system.

Ramola interviews Ethan Nash of TOTTnews

UN Agenda 21 came out of the Rio summit of 1992 and is being implemented globally, as is Extinction Rebellion a recent movement which stated last year that we only have 12 years, so that takes us to 2030 coincidentally. This is also what came out of (Local) Agenda 21 so policies are already being implemented locally, check what our local authorities are doing in their planning. Part of the Agenda is to move people into smart cities and rewild the land. From their website: “ICLEI experts are on the ground, working alongside local and regional governments to anticipate and respond to complex challenges, from urbanization and climate change to ecosystem degradation and inequity. We invest in the capacity and knowledge needed to design solutions to these challenges and make decisions informed by data, scientific evidence and local realities and pressures.” A recent talk here explains more about how the plan is being implemented 

Empire and growth

Deep green resistence has a very insightful interview here


So I’m finding that I have to leave many of the groups I have been part of, as our beliefs differ in some areas and really I am a free spirit at heart.