Sacred Activism

My quest started with meditation and yoga in the seventies and I’ve travelled physically and internally since then. I love to read and gain knowledge and two people I can identify with very much at the moment are Andrew Harvey who wrote the book Sacred Activism and Scilla Elworthy whose book I am reading now called ‘Pioneering the Possible – Awakened Leadership for a World That Works’. Scilla is a woman of peace and involved with Quakers too and has a lifetime of experience of working for a better world.

Welcome to my world

This video from Prince Ea is very descriptive of my concerns for what we are doing to this planet and our beautiful natural environment and I hope to share more of my journey with you.

Dear Future Generations: Sorry

I started my travels from England to the East in the mid seventies which opened my eyes to how people lived in South East and South Asia before tourism really got going over there. I particularly loved the people of Nepal and the countryside there which has been devastated by the recent earthquakes!

I love this Earth, our home and do not like to see the destruction by major corporations for profits over people’s welfare and wellbeing. As Gandhi said, “There is enough for everyone’s need but not everyone’s greed.”

The world is being ruled by these corporations and much more is going on than meets the eye. We cannot trust what we see in the media to be true and we live in a manipulated world. TV has taken over many people’s lives and continues to program the passive watchers. So the more hours spent in front of that screen the less opportunity for creativity of the human spirit and so while we have the internet that’s where I spend quite a lot of down time. It is important to find balance and be in nature and appreciate the natural world and stay connected to the earth. I love walking in the countryside and since retirement I’ve returned to regular yoga classes.

I am a meditator and spent a lot of time in India and at the ashram of Osho in Pune where seekers gathered from all over the world from the seventies when his name was Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh.
I have been a Quaker since returning to Lancashire in 1996 and I met my husband at this beautiful Meeting House in the village of Crawshawbooth where we still have responsibility for the upkeep of this 2* listed building.