143. British Monarchy (1 Sam. 8:5-19) & Associates Captured South Africa’s Vast Mineral Wealth for Themselves, and Impoverished and Demonised their Saxon/Celtic/Boer/British Brothers to do so

Simple Truths in Pictures

Relatively Easy Demonisation?

Afrikaans is relatively close to the British’s ancient enemy’s language: Germanic*, who were the Assyrians*, who captured the British 10 Lost (now found JAHTruth.net/britca) Tribes of Israel in about 722BC, and have tried again in 2 world wars and now with the EU, which might have made the demonization easier: the Boers seeming to prefer their and the rest of true Israel’s ancient enemy?

But British Israel’s monarchs are also their collective enemy: voraciously enriching themselves with lies and deceit Jforjustice.net/challenge at the expense of literally the whole world. And the Assyrian/Germanics have since become Christians, and produced the likes of Martin Luther, who, with the Reformation, led the escape from Israel/Judah’s ancient enemy: the Roman Catholic Babylonians JAHTruth.net/robab.

* “The Assyrians stopped in what is now called Germany and eventually became the Germans of today with their German Military Cross that is…

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Whistleblowers vs state

John Paterson was arrested on November 5th, 2019 and is in Chelmsford Prison awaiting trial in early May 2020 and yet he does not have access to his paperwork inorder to prepare for his case. Here is a conversation he had with his friend and lawyer Patrick Cullinane and published two days before his arrest.

So Patrick was a whistleblower that did not fare well in England and was eventually killed. Here is more information beyond my knowledge of what happened to him

Activist Patrick Cullinane’s death

January 2020 from Ved Chaudhari on FB:

Yyeeaaahhhhh, I am smiling this morning…

So, as you all know, I wrote my 8 page hand written letter with the 39 pages of attachments and posted it by Registered Post to Her Majesty The Queen on 21 Jan 2020.

This is the response I got with a personal message from Her Majesty, naming “Julian Assange” and “Whistleblowers” dated 23 Jan 2020 by second class post received on 25th Jan 2020. It states basically, that Her Majesty The Queen will be asking her Ministers to deal with it hehehe

Then I heard Julian Assange has been moved out of solitary confinement….so smiles and smiles…. and no doubt all the other remedies will follow in stealth mode….

As I say, I would urge everyone to do the same, write to Her Majesty The Queen to request the release of all Whistleblowers, Protected Witnesses and Credible Electoral Candidates being held hostage as political prisoners in State Discredit Frauds and Election Frauds to deny the Citizens their choice of Elected Leaders in favour of back-door script-reading Actors and Impostors.


Buckingham Palace

23rd January 2020

Dear Neelu,

The Queen has asked me to thank you for your letter from which Her Majesty has taken careful note of the views you express regarding the Julian Assange case and the issue of those you refer to as whistleblowers.

I must explain, however, that as a constitutional Sovereign The Queen acts on the advice of her Ministers and remains strictly non-political at all times. This is, therefore, not a matter in which Her Majesty would intervene.

Yours sincerely,

Miss Jennie Vine, MVO

Deputy Correspondence Coordinator

Call to CQC Neelu Chaudhari calls on behalf of Carol Woods and Adam Mustafa

There is no remedy with the police, that is becoming very evident. Here is a conversation with Essex police regarding prisoner John Paterson in Chelmsford Prison and an incident report from January 1, 2020 https://youtu.be/VgXw6djl1n4

Here is the website of a colleague of John Paterson’s https://sites.google.com/site/profgeorgeleesrevelations/

It is very evident to those who pay attention to such things, that the control system that runs the world is tightening up their reins on the population  to control and cover up their wrongdoings. Since my last blog and meeting Carol Woods and those that want to support whistleblowers, it has revealed so much more to me about how those in powerful positions misuse their power in many ways and all controlled from behind the scenes.

Here is a whistleblower and lightworker for justice Neelu whose family members have been judges. She is very knowledgeable in the area of law and has been working with Equity lawyer Edward Ellis on lawful remedies for the people, using the Equity Monarchy Trusts. See my page Citizen Jurisdiction for more info and this link


Neelu Berry talks Justice and for whistleblowers

David Noakes extradition case for GcMaf

Carol Woods targeted Recorded at The Orchard, Lancaster

After whistleblower John Paterson was in court on Friday 15 November, 2019 Neelu Berry does a livestream FB summary on Saturday.

His colleague Prof George Lees John shares his info amongst others

Another journalist affected by Sussex Police Matt Taylor

I wrote to John at Chelmsford Prison and his Prison #A1251EL via http://www.emailaprisoner.com and here is his reply

Another letter from JP

Updates on John Paterson currently held in remand in Chelmsford Prison are available here, how Sussex Police are involved in the case of John Paterson

Dec 17 update on Lynda Thyer rearrested and returned to prison in France

Discussion on Ramola D Reports on the corruption behind the case