Water protectors at Preston New Road, Lancashire 

fsdfsfsdfsdfsdfCuadrilla have been trying for six years to get Fracking started in Lancashire since the earthquake which damaged their first unconventional well on the Fylde. They have been lying and refusing to debate in public and using the power of the oil and gas lobby to push it through government. We have been warned by families in southern Queensland and also by people affected in North America not to let it happen, because it starts with one well and will escalate to thousands.

Thanks to the lack of an investigative media, who are just a mouthpiece of the state, most people have not really become aware of the dangers to life as we know it, if you have not done your own research into the unconventional gas extraction industry. It is such a pity that not enough residents who live close to the first fracking site being developed in Lancashire are not caring enough to engage with the invasion of this destructive industry into their locality. Or is it that people always think that someone else will take care of it? There is also the conditioning of implied inevitability that makes people do nothing!

We can take inspiration from the people of Australia who participated in the Bentley Blockade, which turned around the political decision of the N.S.W government. Two Australian filmmakers are currently visiting the UK with their film ‘The Bentley Effect’ and will be in Lancashire on May 25 in Blackburn and May 26 at Ribby Hall near Wrea Green for film screenings in the evening. The Blackburn event has a workshop in the afternoon as does the Preston event.

What is amazing in this campaign is the sense of community amongst activists from all walks of life because of this threat to our environment and especially the natural water in the earth which will be contaminated by Fracking.

Since the rig went in, there have been problems with surface water on the site and it’s believed that they hit an artesian well in June and pollution has been seen in local waterways!

They are preparing for the next stage with another rig with convoys expected again.

Support is needed!


Fracking should be the number one concern for the UK!!

Activists needed, more people can stop this destructive industry!

Wonderland By Russell Strand

We need to unite and stand up to the mother-frackers Caudrilla this should be our main concern fracking affects us all!!! The people are currently standing up and protesting to stop this!! Why is this not getting the full attention it deserves? This should be getting as much attention as Standing rock!! One hundred people standing up to these tyrants have stopped work at the site for one day!!! More dedicated people are needed to wake up and Join the resistance!!!

People who can get to the Blackpool area can help stop this!!

For more information have a look at this group >>> Fracking Nightmare (Facebook Group)



The UK Corporate Police State facilitating Mother-Frackers Cuadzilla on the evening of 8th March 2017, at Preston New Road, Near Blackpool, Uk

What is fracking? Hydraulic fracturing, is drilling for oil or natural gas. Injecting four million gallons of water into the…

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