Technology towards 2030 and beyond

Here is a very interesting and varied expose of the technocratic plan for the Internet of Things and Bodies (WBAN) with evidence. The communication systems are here and have been quite secretly deployed for decades, we do not hear this on our daily news! LED light bulbs are part of the plan, but did you know that they connect with our devices and bodies? Smart cities are already here in some form and the 5G infrastructure was put into place during lockdowns, and the technologies have been worked on for a long time. The digital world is taking over everything, step by step.

This is the website for the first 50 countries chosen and here is an article on their launch

The document below is copied in part from a UN report on CBRN and 5G

Rudolf Steiner warned about what was coming and in this video and talk by Gigi Young, she explains the dynamics at play in our world.

Ahriman (anti-Christ) uses electricity and is changing our natural world
We are spiritual beings

We have light and dark within us and this is a time to awaken from our deep sleep before it is too late. The entities who can live without carbon dioxide and oxygen are not human and I do not want a transhuman world of machines!

3 thoughts on “Technology towards 2030 and beyond

  1. I dont get this Hilary, I only watched a little and gave up. Basically I
    am not into cults or Christianity I see myself as a spiritual being and
    a child of the universe or great spirit which I prefer to call the
    spirit energy that I met. I do not do Devils or Satans either. I do the
    Christ consciousness and the opposing ego. All within us! I see all life
    has the two opposing forces as mentioned in the film and see these as a
    positive. The yin and the yang are needed to create dense energy
    otherwise no earth and no us etc. There is, what we call good things and
    bad things. If we did not have the two opposing forces we would never
    learn anything, they teach us. Nor would we be able to create from what
    has already been created by the great spirit/universe. They are needed
    and I see our aim is to be central and on neither side. Neither good nor
    bad but whole. Electricity comes down in lightening strikes, and is an
    amazing energy. If you believe God created everything, then (you say its
    a male) then he created electricity too. I am not saying I am right
    about everything I see from my 77 years on this plain and according to
    seers, many former lifetimes is the sum total to date making more sense
    than anything else. I was brought up a Christian but found it lacking
    after delving deeply and realised that we create our own realities. Our
    brain is programmed by family, events and ourselves and it just repeats,
    like walking. If one cult is right that would make all the others wrong.
    I am not trying to be disrespectful but just putting my point of view.
    On a closing note I do believe Jesus existed and if he did say “Believe
    in me and you will be saved” I believe what he meant was – Believe in
    what I am telling you to do and you will be saved! In other words he was
    the way to live and he did not create Christianity but the Christ
    consciousness was inside him. AND we are all children of the great
    spirit, the creator, the universe or God which you call it. But I do not
    see the great spirit as male (it’s a male controlling system) We only
    need the sexes on this plain to reproduce…..  I would be interested in
    your open views though.
    Much love and kindest regards
    Mal xx


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