The Caring Human is in Danger of Extinction

The Silent Ecocide

Indigenous child hugging a tree

As an ecologist working several decades in various environmental sectors, I will say that I have come to learn that ecological illiteracy is not an accident, it could be considered as a successful form of social engineering that is very convenient for the current greed driven oligarchy.

We were not born ecologically illiterate, a child instinctively knows to care for animals and the environment and often a toddler marvels at every blade of grass and insect it encounters, it is usually when a child is shown or taught cruelty that a child starts to mimic adults by example and not respecting its fellow creatures or environment.

Biophilia is an instinct we were born with, an inner sense of feeling good and being uplifted by nature. However systematic deprogramming in  humans has turned us into good capitalists and consumers but appalling environmental protectors, making us ignorant of ecology and how…

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Building Bridges

Building Bridges after the Referendum

A statement from Britain Yearly Meeting (Quakers)

“The outcome of the EU referendum and the campaigning that led up to it have shown up and sometimes exacerbated divisions within and between our communities.  There is now a great need for bridge-building, for reaching out to one another in love, trusting that below the political differences lie a shared humanity and a wish for flourishing communities.

Inequalities run deep in society and some are exposed by the vote. Quakers in England, Scotland and Wales are committed to working together and with others – including Quakers across Europe – for a peaceful and just world.  In the coming year our Quaker Yearly Meeting will focus on building movements with others locally and globally. We refuse to prejudge who is or is not an ally.

Turbulent times can be frightening, but the Spirit is a source of strength for all, guiding us in who we are and what we do. We take heart from the knowledge that with change comes opportunity. We will look for creative ways to find common cause, to listen, to influence and to persuade. As the status quo is shaken we and our neighbours must look to one another for support, wisdom and above all ways of healing divisions.”

I personally found this whole referendum difficult to know which way to vote, as there were positives and negatives on both sides. I do not like the agenda of more consolidation of power in fewer hands and would prefer system change, but I voted Remain with the wish that the democracy of the whole would decide for us. So when the Leave vote was dominant in spite of what happened the week before with the death of Jo Cox MP, I was not heartbroken or saddened like many of my environmentalist friends and fellow Green Party members at the result. I felt that it was important to stay calm in the storm of the media onslaught which followed and the ranting against the decision by my husband who is more passionate for the EU than myself. I am more open to change perhaps?Earth Flower of Life