Jonathon Porritt: Another Coal Mine for Donald Trump to Embrace!

Keep Cumbrian Coal in the Hole

West Cumbria Mining Video from Kevin Murphy on Vimeo

The video above shows the same old coal mining methods described as “modern” the machinery is exactly the same as that used in China and Russia.

Former Director of Friends of the Earth and Founder of Forum for the Future,  Jonathon Porritt has blasted the plan for a new coal mine near Sellafield.

In his blog today Jonathon Porritt writes:

Another Coal Mine for Donald Trump to Embrace!

Fellow Greenies: help me out here, please!

Which particular fossil fuel do we hate the most? Yes, that’s right: COAL. And which particular political party hates coal the most? Yes, that’s right: THE GREEN PARTY.

So what the hell is a Green Party candidate doing supporting the opening of the first coal mine in England for more than 30 years?! And not just in any old place – just five miles from…

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The Corporatocracy Driving Ecocide

We must find balance individually and corporately.

The Silent Ecocide

Corporations have  more rights than People

The entire economy can be rebuilt on principles within the limits of the Earth’s natural resources, with strict parameters being applied to energy giants and corporations, so that they cannot exploit our last great wildernesses for short-term gain.  To do this, much re-arranging within governments would be required. Ideally, conservationists and ecological economists and sustainability experts and environmental law makers should be given political powers to become appropriate candidates to fill the seats in governments worldwide to replace the current oil barons, pharmaceutical and biotechnological stakeholders in governments that are destroying the environment and human health with their corporations, along with bankers and elite with their privileges above natural law.

The Rights of Nature should be one of the highest values that an evolved civilised society upholds, not the destruction of the environment for money and power; everything is currently upside down and inside out when it comes to values…

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