Peace or Pay for Nuclear Weapons

A free for all

As a naive Canadian kid, I grew up in a dream, where nuclear weapons seemed either a climactic boost to a movie’s plot or horror stories of the past. Never in 25 years had I imagined that I would complacently support weapons of mass destruction – until I moved to the UK.

If you follow UK politics, you’ll notice quickly that there is huge debate about funding public amenities like the National Health Services (dramatically underfunded & being privatised without public consent) and University tuition (once ensured by government grants as universal free higher education & now on the steady rise). You hear so often that the UK just doesn’t have the funding to support these vital public institutions, but you don’t often hear where your taxes end up.

Imagine my reaction when I found out that UK tax payers – including myself – actually subsidize maintenance of the Trident…

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The land, economy and community is our responsibility 

Being on holiday here in the Austrian Tirol is a lovely experience of being close to the land, getting plenty of exercise, fresh air and relaxation! I love to see the meadows of wild flowers untouched by chemicals and the alpine flowers on our walks. The other day we were talking to a young farmer/herdsman who had climbed the mountain to check on his herds after some bad weather. The Tirol is quite unspoilt and depends on tourism – mainly walkers and cyclists in the summer and skiers in the winter and has remained quite traditional. 

I’ve just read the Jefferson Lecture given by American conservationist, poet and novelist Wendell Berry who puts the situation of mankind very succinctly – it’s a good personal history coming from a small farming background and discovering the effects of the industrialists on farming and everything else since then.  

 It’s important that we realise our responsibility in what has been created in letting corporations take control of our lives. 

A good read with so many gems I can’t repeat, so please use the link here

Wendell Berry talk 2012